August 16, 2006

Who we saw in Arkansas!

Our trip to Arkansas was short, but sweet! The sweet part had a little bit to do with these DELICIOUS and DECADENT pecan bars that Jack and Doris made. I escaped the hills of Mountain Home with a copy of the recipe and will post pictures of my attempt to make them at a later time. Here are some photos of the time we spent with our family in the southern state of Arkansas:

The trip down was enjoyable with lots of beautiful scenery. Abbey took this shot of Randy and me trying to figure out which way to go.

Here we are with Jack and Doris on the day I escaped with "the recipe."

You'd never know it by looking at 'em, but here they are - Randy and Rick - TWINS! Randy couldn't believe it was really his brother, 'cause Rick's got more hair and less body mass.

Rick and Penny, who traveled to Arkansas all the way from Northern Illinois to visit with all of us. What nice people!

Abbey with her sweet grandparents on the day we went home to New York.

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