February 5, 2008

Randy and I flew down to North Carolina last Thursday to visit some friends. It was a business trip that ended up being a lot of fun! We flew Southwest (obviously!) ...

Here's the gorgeous house our friends built with their own hands!

This cat (one of about seven) followed me everywhere! If I walked, he walked. If I ran, he ran. Isn't that just the weirdest behavior from a cat?

Kimi and me. She is a darling girl who carried this bunny EVERYWHERE and who can't pronounce her Rs. I'm sure you can just imagine the cuteness!

Carolyn and Chase on the night the Giants won the Superbowl!

Jacob gettin' into the game...

A great bunch of kids!

Cathy (a.k.a. Cath)...

Kimi and her victory shout when the Giants won the game...

Randy and Kirk on the day we had to leave.

Tomorrow, I'll post photos of the the business aspect of our meeting.

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