Today is November 11th - already. Strangely, I feel the urgent need to start getting ready for Christmas; I think it's because I found myself in the mall a few days ago. Roaming the wide corridors of the mall is not something I do on a regular basis, but I had a gift certificate for the Cheesecake Factory, right near (you guessed it) the mall. So Randy and I wandered over there hoping to walk off the slice of whip-cream-coated pumpkin cheesecake we'd just shared. Whether it helped or not I guess I'll never know. But I do know this - Thanksgiving has become the forgotten holiday. Everywhere I turned in the mall there were tables of Halloween junk (and I do mean junk) marked 50-70% off. One would think that the natural course of events would be to deck the mall in honor of that wonderful God-honoring holiday called Thanksgiving - but it was no where to be found. Christmas, however, was everywhere - already.
Does anyone else out there remember when the Christmas holiday actually started in December and when November really was about being thankful? Things are so different now in our country. Could it be that we have so much we've forgotten what it means to go without? And to be truly thankful for what we have? I think so...
I agree Mary. I was also in that mall the other with Gary, we got Starbucks in the hopes of walking off the meal we ate at a local resturant. I can honestly tell you I hadn't been in that mall in a yr or so. And just about everything was covered in Christmas. America has become unthankful.
Things are so different now...and not for good either. But, we're still here and we can make a difference for our families. And..isn't it the most wonderful thing to have a church 'family'! I'm thankful for that.
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