I’ve got some thoughts tumbling around in my mind – I want to write them down, but I need your help. Tell me, what do you think could be the reason some folks find it necessary to keep their places on the world-wide web set to private? I’m curious about this. Please leave me a comment and give me your opinion – it can be positive; it can be negative – remain anonymous if you wish. Thanks!
Many of my family members keep blogs with pictures and updates of their children, therefore they set it to private because they are worried about stalkers and security for their kids. It is however, a great way for long-distance family to stay in touch and not have to worry about creeps reading things you don't want them to!
well it might sound simple, but I say if its private it shouldn't be in the "world wide web to begin with?"
Thanks for your comments Anonymous and Jessica. I think both of you have valid points.
My wife went overseas for 30 days and I started a blog for just the two of us to put our thoughts and such on for the month apart. It was a great way to express ourselves without our schedules having to meet. I knew that some of the things we say we would not want the entire world to see. I thought it all went well.
Some things must be set to private because some people will leave harrassing coments if they want. Plus, private setting keeps stalkers out.
If someone wants to keep their blog private, that it is their personal decision. Maybe they wish to share things only with family and some friends and a blog is the easiest way to do it. Maybe they worry about just anybody finding their page and leaving unkind comments. I understand it can be frustrating when we go to look at a blog only to find it "locking" us out, but I think we should understand and respect the fact whoever is doing it has her/his reasons.
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