April 16, 2009

When the plain sense makes common sense...

I'm with you, Alan Keyes.


Maggie Ann said...

This is the real truth...we're glad to hear somebody speak out! My husband heard Alan Keyes speak at Liberty Life Ins.Co. some years back. A good man thats not afraid to speak the truth.

Mary said...

You're right, Maggie Ann. Alan Keyes is a good man who speaks for millions of people. A favorite politician of mine.

Tadd Stickler said...

Why was the abortion issue not brought up BEFORE the election? Obama needs to go!!!!!!!!

Mary said...

Tadd - thanks for your comment. I didn't vote for Obama - as for those who did, I'm almost certain they'll regret it...

sparrow's song said...

Alan is amazing. I admire how he presents his convictions so boldly and so right. What he's shown here is the type of rational wisdom we need in the White House. When he talked about Obama rushing forward with his plans, I envisioned a multitude of sheep running behind him toward a cliff without a question as to whether this was a good idea. They were good people who wanted to do something good and new but they were duped. It's only a matter of time before they realize it. I hope it's not too late for us all.

Mary said...

Those are some good thoughts, Sparrow. I can't help but think what the Scriptures say, "Look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh."