June 14, 2007

Lunch at Wild by Nature

It's Summer Revival time (more on this later) at Long Island Baptist Church! After the morning services today, Abbey and Melissa and I took Nichols Road all the way to the North Shore so we could get lunch at the Wild by Nature lunch counter. Wild by Nature is a fantastic, organically-inclined grocery store where you can buy a very delicious and very generous stir-fry at a very reasonable cost. The best part is that you can watch your lunch being made right before your eyes! Here are some pictures of one of life's most simple pleasures.

Our chef's name was Mike. He cleaned EVERYTHING before he began a new stir-fry and even changed his gloves about a hundred times - I liked his work ethic.

We chose tofu with seasonal vegetables and soy-ginger sauce with short grain brown rice. Colorful, wholesome, and best of all - IT TASTED GREAT!

Two happy customers.

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