August 2, 2007

Just for fun...

Recently, our good pastor's wife hosted a Summer Evening Fellowship for the ladies of our church. One of the activities included a personality test involving the shape of one's lipstick. And even though we know someone's personality cannot truly be measured by the shape of her lipstick, we had a lot of fun finding out what our lipsticks might have to say about us!

Click on the image to read the fine lines...

I apologize for the fact that these images are blurry. The lighting in our fellowship hall can be difficult to work with...

Lorraine, Bing, Rachel, Abbey, Ashley, Danielle, Joyce, and Gussie

Maritza, Juanita, Kathleen, Jenni, Louanne, Emily, Lorena, and Lisa

I had a brand new lipstick on the night of the party and could not make an accurate decision about the shape of my lipstick. When I got home, I found a well-used one and determined myself to be a number seven - "Sharp-angled, but curved tip."

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