July 17, 2008

Here's a photo of Randy with some of our Sunday school kids. I love the way they all look so happy!


Maggie Ann said...

How sweet...I see joy in these faces! =)

Maggie Ann said...

Just came by to see what you are up to! =)

Maggie Ann said...

Good Morning Mary, I thought I'd run over and reply to your comment. Time can be filled with so many things and I'm sure your time is filled with the wisest things. You are bringing harmony and order and provision to those you care for. Just like the Proverbs 31 lady! Unlike my poor hubby...grin, who finds me up to my elbows in cherry colored fleece with a silly/happy grin on my face. Your comment was just what I needed today to get focused on planning a good meal for tonight and doing up the ironing. And I thank you for that...honestly! Yesterday flew by without any attention to the house at all and now today brings yesterday's neglected chores with a new batch. And, I will still fit in time to spin...knowing me...grin. Knowing God is the most precious and satisfying thing in my life. I look forward to when the sin nature is left behind and it is all joy to do his will. Better get busy, I love to do things when the sun in shining in the morning side of the house. Makes sense, doesn't it?! =) your flower gardens must be very special...mine need weeded so badly.