It wasn’t too long ago that I found myself immersed in the writings of a fellow-blogger. She wrote of the approaching cold weather and how she planned to keep warm during the winter months. It was important to her that her shoes were comfortable and that she didn’t have to wear tights. Tights were too much like pants. I’m not kidding—that’s exactly what she wrote. Here are the items she suggested a Christian woman could use to be warm yet comfortable: flip-flops and toe socks. Think with me now—what on earth was she suggesting that we Christian women wear? Sorry, friend, but I’m not about to retrieve the mail on a cold winter day in toe socks and flip-flops! What would the neighbors, who already know I name the name of Christ, think of Christianity? No doubt they would think I was just plain weird. The Bible says we’re to be a peculiar people—not weird. So far, the Lord has not corrected me for wearing stockings, but rather has blessed me with lots of lovely things to wear – including stockings!. Since that post, she has changed her stance on the pants issue. She now claims women can and should wear pants. Double minded women are unstable in all their ways.
That's all for now. I'll continue my thoughts in my next post...
I'm looking forward to this. I grew up in IFB churches during the 70s. I have worn skirts and dresses almost my entire life (and I'm 43, so that's a long time), and have managed to stay fairly up to date with my wardrobe and kept myself looking like a decent woman rather than something that stepped out of a rag box. I say - go for it, and don't apologize!
Thanks for your encouragement, Susan. There's a very important word in your comment; here it is: decent. By your photo, you look like a lovely, put-together, DECENT Christian woman. Keep up the good standard! Thanks so much for visiting my blog.
I love this post Mary, because you speak for "us" regarding the subject of the way a real Christian should look like & not what others think that we should look like. Such as looking like sasquash unkept, unmatching, unmanicured, untrimmed which doesn't make us anymore holier as women. Now, don't get me wrong I love flip flops, but you couldn't pay me enough to wear socks like that! Foolish traditions as those its no wonder the rest of the world mocks Christianity.
I'm with you. Correct doctrine equals a solid testimony that pleases God. The Word of God is our 'how-to' and the Holy Spirit is our barber and designer. Christians should not 'stand out' in the wrong way. People mean well, but it is possible to get off 'on the wrong foot' if not Spirit led. (no pun intended there...grin)
Thank you Jessica and Maggie Ann for your good thoughts. It is possible to dress in a way that pleases the Lord (modest, clean, sharp, well-put-together, etc.)without looking like the world! Thanks again for commenting, I so appreciate your input.
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