Five baby birds. Still a little hard on the eyes, but getting cuter every day! They look okay for having hatched on Saturday! It's been pretty chilly here - especially at night. I was actually quite surprised to find all five of them hatched and growing; let's hope they all make it out of the nest...
How cool!! Look at the one in the middle it looks like he is smiling for the camera!! You really are some photographer. Thanks for the great picture.Gina
Awwe how adorable!!
Well, I know they're not bluebird babies because we just went through the cycle of eggs to flying for 5 in our yard. These do not resemble the wings of the bluebird babies that we had. Yours are larger fledglings. So what breed of bird are they? Perhaps Robin.
Ah, wrens!!
They are a little hard on 'the eyes' at this stage aren't they. I like the way you put that though....=) Usually every year the birds make a nest on our bathroom window sill and our front porch light..not this year however and I'm thankful.
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