July 20, 2012

I'm All Ears...

I’m not too sure where it came from - seems like I’ve always been this way.  Sometimes it serves me well, but most of the time it doesn’t… like when something really, really needs to be prayed over before I proceed.  Yes, that’s when I regret what I consider my greatest character flaw. I do try to recognize its presence in my life and I do try to keep it under control—but every now and again I find myself confessing that I’m sorry for my independent spirit.   And it pops up in the most unusual ways!  But I have learned to listen to the still small voice that tells me, “Don’t say it, don’t do it, don’t buy it, don’t even go there, don’t!” And I’m so glad that that still small voice is there for me!  It’s my wonderful Saviour’s voice – and I love it when He whispers to my heart the things that no one else can hear.  But most of all, I love knowing that by His grace I can be spiritual enough to surrender to His will for me.  There’s peace and contentment in following the counsel of Christ; and I am most happy then.   To relinquish His private counsel for submission to all that the flesh demands brings deep regret and sometimes tears.  Wasted volumes of time, energy, and money laugh at my foolish independence. I have been a student of these truths, and I learn that the still small voice is my Friend, and that His counsel is a display of the great love wherewith He has loved me... and so now when He whispers, I'm all ears...

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